How a Math App for Kids Gives Parents the Teaching Empowerment They Crave

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For many parents, the most daunting thought of homeschooling their kids this year is knowing where to begin.

Some of you may even feel like your fears about homeschooling are similar to your concerns about your child’s school experience.

Here’s some data that might surprise you.

According to a survey conducted by the U.S. Department of Education in 2016, “About 3 percent of students ages 5 through 17 were reported as being homeschooled, representing 1.7 million homeschooled students in 2016.”

Can you imagine how many more homeschooled students there are now, in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic?

The practice of homeschooling is certainly not new, and neither are the reasons why so many parents choose to homeschool their kids.

According to the same Department of Education survey, 80 percent of parents in 2016 chose homeschooling due to “concern about the environment of other schools, such as safety, drugs, or negative peer pressure.”

If you asked a parent in 2020 why they are homeschooling their kids, it’s likely “safety” would still be a popular reason. 

A major difference in 2020, though, is that many parents don’t have a choice in the matter. 

Schools are still in limbo about their re-opening timelines, leaving parents with no choice but to teach their kids while they wait.

Another reason for homeschooling, according to the survey, was that “Seventeen percent of homeschooled students had parents who reported dissatisfaction with academic instruction at other schools as the most important reason for homeschooling.”

There are plenty of parents out there who feel this way, regardless of whether they choose to homeschool or not.

Harlow is one of those parents. She’s a mother of three who wished she wasn’t so uncertain about her daughter Penelope’s math abilities. 

Harlow says, “I wasn’t exactly sure where Penelope was mathematically, but I also didn’t feel that she was where she could be.”

Plenty of parents sense that their children could be further along in their math skills, but they don’t have any data or examples to justify their feelings.

But your feelings are valid, and parents like Harlow can follow their intuitions to find help.


At 6-and-a-half years old, Penelope was already building important math skills with her mom, Harlow.

“We had worked on counting to 100, counting by 2s, 5s, 10s,” says Harlow, “and she knew some addition.”

Harlow wasn’t worried about Penelope — but she was worried about the learning environment she observed at Penelope’s school.

She says, “The kids who could excel were held back by the ones who weren’t [doing as well].”

It’s understandable that parents like Harlow worry about their kids getting bored — or worse, unmotivated — when they have to slow down for their peers.

A lot of parents feel that way, and many of them turn to homeschool as the solution.

But the solution itself can be challenging.

Harlow says, “We have three children and I’m homeschooling all of them.”

Three kids. One mom in charge of their schooling … and their meals, and their activities. You don’t need the full list to understand what Harlow — and so many of you — are facing.

Finding Elephant Learning 

“I just want to make sure that I am giving Penelope every great resource possible,” explains Harlow. And who could blame her? 

There’s no lack of desire to support our kids. 

But the new challenge becomes sifting through all the available tools and trying to decide what’s best.

You might be lacking a sense of direction; “Where do I begin my child’s math curriculum?”

Or, a sense of reliability; “Is this a credible tool I’ve found?”

Or, a sense of effectiveness; “Is this going to have a lasting effect on my child, or is it a waste of time?”

Thankfully for Harlow, she found Elephant Learning met those criteria, and she’s already seeing the results.

Related: The Early Years: Identifying What Your Child Already Knows

Penelope’s Experience With Elephant Learning 

The Elephant Learning app assessed Penelope’s math skills using engaging math games. 

Based on her first few games, the app determined Penelope had the equivalent math skills of a 4-year-old.

The app then provided Penelope with math games that were appropriate for her existing math skills, making the playtime easy and fun. 

As she began to master those math skills, the app began introducing more challenging concepts for her to learn.

Along the way, Harlow could log in to Elephant Learning and see the data insights she was so desperately craving. 

She could see which math concepts Penelope had already mastered, and which ones she was still struggling to learn.

That made Harlow’s job easier. 

Rather than guessing what she needed to do, Harlow could rely on Elephant Learning data to show her which concepts needed reinforcement.

And those math concepts didn’t even have to take the shape of formal lessons. 

A busy afternoon of chores for Harlow could be an opportunity to ask Penelope to help her sort the lunchtime vegetables into equal groups.

Or perhaps Harlow could spend a few minutes on the couch with Penelope and ask her to show her how to play one of the Elephant Learning games.

But if Harlow was having a particularly busy week, she could rely on Elephant Learning to keep pushing her daughter at a comfortable yet challenging pace.

She didn’t have to feel like she was neglecting Penelope’s learning by relying on a math app for kids. 

And she didn’t have to worry that she would miss a critical insight into Penelope’s progress.

Elephant Learning was empowering Harlow with the data she needed whenever she was ready to review it.

It was also empowering Penelope to keep exploring her math abilities without the constraints of other people — adults and kids alike.

After averaging 30 minutes of gameplay each week on Elephant Learning, Penelope mastered over 3 years’ worth of math concepts. 

Within six months, Penelope became a half-year ahead of her 7-year-old peers.

Just as important: Harlow became an empowered parent who knew exactly where her daughter was, and where she was headed.

Elephant Learning’s mission to empower kids on their math learning journey means parents get to feel empowered too.

Empowerment nowadays is a truly precious feeling, and it is not beyond anyone’s reach.

Related: Why Your Child is Behind in Math (Yes, Even Your Child)

Penelope’s Results: 

  • Age: 6.4 years
  • Starting Elephant Learning Age: 4.4 years
  • Current Elephant Learning Age: 7.6 years
  • The difference after six months: 3.2 years!

“I just want to make sure that I am giving Penelope every great resource possible.” - Mom, Harlow

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Individualized Learning For All Your Students At One Low Price

Single Student Plan
  • Guaranteed Results and individualized Learning For One Student.
Family or Homeschool
  • Guaranteed results for up to three students on one account.
  • Need more students? Contact us to learn more about how we help classrooms

Get Started Now:

  • Guaranteed Results in Minutes per Day:

    Your students will learn 1 year of mathematics over the course of 3 months using the system just 10 minutes per day, 3 days per week. If your student does not increase at least 1 year of mathematics over those 3 months, we are happy to provide you with a full refund.
  • Placement Exam and Report:

    Each student receives a placement exam and a detailed report so that you may understand your student's initial starting point.
  • Real-time feedback

    Our dashboard updates in real time as your student is playing and allows you to understand exactly what they are working on, how we intend to teach it, and how you may take learning outside of our system with fun activities and games.
  • Parent Coaching Videos

    Videos intended to help parents and teachers be more effective at working with students that are exhibiting or reporting anxiety around mathematics.
  • Share Progress With Tutors & Teachers

    Our only mission is to empower children with mathematics. We provide free accounts for teachers and tutors so that they may use our system's evaluation to tailor what they work on to the student and their level of understanding.
  • 2 live coaching and tutoring sessions with our advisors

    Our team is with you every step of the way, and are available to tutor students or coach parents when necessary. Extra sessions are $50/session. All the sessions are optional but recommended as our advisors are trained at reading the data and advising based on parent or student feedback.
  • Subject Training Videos

    For each topic in our system, we provide you with the most effective methods of teaching that subject. It is continuing education for teachers delivered at the parent's level so that you can be more effective all around at working with your student.
  • Customized Worksheets

    Based on your student's current level within our system, we generate daily worksheets for each student in case you want to supplement learning or provide teh student with an alternative option.
  • Gamification of a Proven Curriculum

    We have had over 100,000 students come through our system and experience success. Learning happens via activities that feel like a puzzle game. The result is that they learn the language via experience and therefore understand better as well as retain the information longer.
  • Save $1000s over learning centers & tutors